Lesson Plan: Cinderella Variant Project

EEI Lesson Plan

Cinderella: Essential Elements of Instruction (EEI)

1. Introductory Set
How many of you have read or heard or seen the movie of Cinderella? "Cinderella" is a traditional fairy tale, which means it comes from the oral tradition, and it features magic. The most commonly told version in the United States comes from France. It was written by Charles Perrault.

2. Objectives
After we read the French version of Cinderella, students will
1. read another version with your small group.
2. Determine the story elements in that variant.
3. Discuss the themes and illustrations as a group.
4. Individuals will respond to the story and make a Venn diagram showing how the cultural features of the variant are the same and different from the French version.

3. Input
Show the story elements puzzle.
Read: the French version of Cinderella as a read aloud. (Cinderella adapted by Amy Ehrlich from the fairytale by Charles Perrault, illustrated by Susan Jeffers)
Review the elements of literature: setting, characters, and plot.
Discuss: cultural features (style), themes, and the illustrations in the book illustrated by Susan Jeffers.

4. Modeling
Review the elements of literature: setting, character, plot, cultural features, themes, and the illustrations in the French version illustrated by Susan Jeffers.

5. Check for Understanding
Review terms and directions.
Place the elements for the French version on the chart.
Review brainstorming and turn-taking in small group discussions.

6. Guided Practice
Group work: Teacher will monitor as small groups read a Cinderella variant from another culture. Each group will summarize the story elements by recording responses on graphic organizers. Together they will determine and record a theme. They will discuss the illustrations and record their impressions. Students will post their work on a chart.
Individual Work: Students will compose a response to the story and make a Venn diagram showing how the cultural features of the story they read are the same and different from the French version.

7. Independent Practice - or Homework
If there isn't sufficient time in class, students will compose individual responses and create Venn diagrams to compare cultural features for homework.

8. Closure
Review the elements of literature with particular attention to style, cultural features (embedded assessment). Make connections to applying story elements in our own writing (bridge).

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