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Lesson Planning Support for Preservice and Inservice Teacher-Librarians

Resources created by: Judi Moreillon, Ph.D.

Sample Lesson Plan: 5th-grade Social Studies: The Middle Passage

Completed Collaborative Planning Form

Moreillon-Thomson: Collaborative Planning for The Middle Passage Lesson
Rochelle Thomson - 5th-Grade - Social Studies (Slave Trade)
January 12: 10:00 to 11:30 (Initial lesson)
1. Why are we asking students to engage in this learning experience? Goals/Standards
The purpose of this lesson (and unit of study) is to immerse students in a variety of information resources, including books, film, Internet Web sites, and primary source documents as they to utilize the research process. Students will have the opportunity to use the information they collect for a collaborative and creative purpose. In this unit, students will build background for the study of slavery in the North American colonies. Students will make connections to earlier studies of the indigenous peoples and the European colonists of North America.

Arizona State Standards
Strand 1: American History
Concept 1: Research Skills for History
PO 3. Describe the difference between primary and secondary sources.
PO 4. Locate information using both primary and secondary sources.
Concept 3: Exploration and Colonization
PO 7. Describe the causes and effects of triangular trade. (Connect with: Strand 2 Concept 5; Strand 5 Concept 1)
Strand 2: World History
Concept 5: Encounters and Exchange
PO 1. Describe the following effects of European exploration, trade, and colonization on other parts of the world:
d. trade established between Europe, Africa, and Americas
Strand 5: Economics
Concept 1: Foundations of Economics
PO 5. Interpret how trade promoted economic growth throughout U.S. history

Language Arts
Concept 4: Vocabulary

Acquire and use new vocabulary in relevant contexts. (5-R1-C4)
Concept 6: Comprehension Strategies - Employ strategies to comprehend text. (5-R1-C6)
PO 3. Generate clarifying questions in order to comprehend text.
Strand 6: Research

PO 1. Paraphrase information from a variety of sources (e.g., Internet, reference materials). (See 5-R3-C1-04, -05, -06)


Acquire English language vocabulary and use it in relevant contexts. (ELL-R-3)
Analyze text for expression, enjoyment and response to other related content areas. (ELL-R-5)


The student will demonstrate research skills by using a variety of reference materials to complete a variety of writing tasks. (ELL-W-3)

AASL Standards for the 21st-century Learner
Standard 1: Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
* 1.1.3 Develop and define a range of questions to frame the search for new understanding.
* 1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions.
* 1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format in order to make inferences and gather meaning.


2. What do we want the students to learn? Performance Indicators/Learning Objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
Develop questions to clarify the content of the primary source document accounts of the Middle Passage.
Organize and use the information shared to make notes.
Use the notes to work in small groups to classify the roles of people (and artifacts) involved in the slave trade.
Categorize subtopics for inquiry and form study groups.

3. In what specific learning experiences do we want them to engage? Who will be responsible for each? Learning Tasks/Responsible Educator
Educators' Roles - Team Teaching Approach

Develop and launch Internet pathfinder
Bookwalk - Students will be reading the illustrations to building background knowledge.
Record bibliographic information, review types of notes, and make Notes - Students will copy class notes to review notemaking

Classroom Teacher
Makes copies of notemaking and bibliography graphic organizers and rubrics
Read primary source documents

Gather/preview/read print resources
Monitor and assess students' initial notemaking
Monitor students list, group, label webs
Assess class notes

4. How will they communicate what they learned? Learning Process/Products

For this lesson, students' group webs will show their understanding of the subtopics for this inquiry. Ultimately, students will choose a format to present their learning and will compose a four-line stanza based on their inquiry for a collaborative class readers' theater.

5. How will they/we assess their learning? Assessment Criteria/Tool(s)

The students' group webs will show their understanding of the content as well as their understanding of the list-group-label web process.

The students will use the rubric to assess the class notes. Ultimately, students' notes will demonstrate their comprehension of the materials: video, trade book resources, and Internet resources. The students and educators will use the rubric to assess students' individual note-making and bibliographic records.

6. What resources and materials will the students/we need?
See topical text set.

Notemaking Sheets - Attached
Bibliography Sheets - Attached
Notemaking Rubric - Attached
Construction Paper for Small Group Webs

Data projector or interactive whiteboard

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Last updated: 6 November 2007