Teacher-librarian Dr. Michael Plumley and 4th-grade classroom
teacher Wendi Allen field tested this lesson in March 2007 at
Waterville Community Elementary School in Cleveland, Tennessee.
They conducted the lesson in the classroom. In this photograph,
Michael is reading Chato's Kitchen while Wendi records
notes on the overhead projector.
Team teaching for modeling allowed them to move faster than if
one educator were facilitating this lesson. After co-modeling,
they divided the class in half and each educator read Chato
and the Party Animals while students inferred the meanings
of the Spanish words from their context in the story and made
inferrences about the meaning in the text.
Below are Bayley's Vocabulary Cues and Predictions/Inferences
Graphic Organizer for Chato and the Party Animals (Supplement
6I) and another student's Predictions/Inferences Graphic Organizer
(Supplement 6H).