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Judi Moreillon: Home | Author | Educator | Advocate

Poem Composed by Children at the Tucson Festival of Books - 15 March 2009

Children composed this poem during a writer's workshop called "Bring on the Rain! Creating Stories about Rain in the Southwest." Authors Joan Sandin, Roni Capin Rivera-Ashford, and Judi Moreillon read from their books and then guided young participants in creating this poem. (Judi added a title.)

Children are invited to copy and paste the poem into a wordprocessing document and then illustrate their work. If any of the poets who attended the workshop and created this poem would like his/her artwork added to this page, please contact Joan Sandin at:


Desert Rain
by Anna, Danielle, Dominic, Jordan, Robert, Ryan, and Tia

gray clouds like night
gigantic thunderhead crashes and flashes

creosote perfume flows through open windows
whooshing wind whispers and bends the mesquite trees

ratta-tat-tat, pitter-patter on the rooftop
like diamonds and rubies sprinkling from the sky

glitters and splashes dark circles on the sidewalk
muddy brown puddles on the playground

Kids dash...


Updated: 15 March 2009

Judi Moreillon: Home | Author | Educator | Advocate