Wellness Wordle

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Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies in Secondary School Libraries: Maximizing Your Impact

Sample Student Wiki: Wellness
Links selected by: Judi Moreillon, Ph.D.


During Inquiry

After Inquiry

Question Comparison

Diet and Exercise Plan




For students and educators who cannot access wikis from their school computers, this page is a reproduction of a sample student wiki found at: http://impact11wellness.wikispaces.com/

Question Comparison Page

I will record my comparison among my before, during, and after questions on this page

Sample Comparison

Topic: Calories

Before Question

Where can I collect data to determine the calorie counts in my favorite foods?

During Question

When I was looking for the best ratio between calories and calories from fat, I found something called the “Fullness Factor.” What is the “Fullness Factor?” and how does it relate to my food choices?

After Question

Is it possible for me to follow a diet plan in which I feel full and still lose weight? What would that plan taste like?

How did my questions change during the course of my inquiry?

As I collected data about the calorie count of my favorite foods, I began to notice the ratio between calories and calories from fat. In some foods I enjoy that ratio is well over 50%. This fact made me wonder about the relationship among calories, carbohydrates, protein, and fat. That’s when I discovered something called the “Fullness Factor.” My “After Inquiry” question is still unanswered, but now I will always read labels and refer to the chart at: http://www.nutritiondata.com/topics/fullness-factor.

Question about the Accuracy of this Information:

I read the "About" page for NutritionData.com. I learned that the site's "database comes from the USDA's National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and is supplemented by listings provided by restaurants and food manufacturers" (http://nutritiondata.self.com/help/about). I do wonder about the commerical aspects of this site since restaurants and food manufacturers are involved.

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Book Jacket

Launched: December 2010
Updated: 16 October 2012